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Confinement 14Days Herbal Soup (Pre.)(A)

Box (14 Packs)


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产品名字:精选装14方药膳汤 (A)
Product name: Confinement 14Days Herbal Soup (Pre.)(A)
Intro: 1st week, Mother is very weak. This stage is a time to restore maternal strength while promoting wound healing. Day 1 to Day 7 Soups.
第二个星期,妈妈的身体逐渐恢复,食欲也变好,其余五脏六腑需要为下一阶段的回春做准备。2nd week, the body of mother gradually recovered & appetite improved as well. The rest of the five internal organs requires preparation for the next stage of Rejuvenate. Day 8 to Day 14 Soups.
- 配料齐全 Full of Ingredients
- 优质 Premium Quality
- 延长保质期 Improve shelf life
- 防潮 Prevent dampness
- 干净卫生 Clean & hygienic

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